College Counseling
Counselors commence the college planning process for students the moment they register, and they remain by their side throughout their academic journey. Students are welcomed into prestigious institutions such as Yale, USC, Dartmouth, California Institute of Technology, University of California, Berkeley, New York University, Carnegie Mellon University, Rhode Island School of Design, and Emerson College, in addition to highly regarded Christian educational institutions like Wheaton College, Baylor University, and Calvin College.
This comprehensive four-year plan serves as a guide for both students and their families, outlining the sequence of courses that will not only make students eligible but also highly competitive for various college and university categories. Annually, this plan is revisited with students and their families to ensure that all necessary preparations are in place. Furthermore, our College Counseling Office offers evening workshops for both parents and students of each class, providing an opportunity for families to navigate the college application process on an annual basis and ensure that they are on track to achieve their goals. In addition, counselors arrange individual college planning sessions with students each year to review their academic achievements, community service involvement, and standardized test scores.
These sessions are instrumental in identifying the specific colleges where admissions applications will be submitted. At Triple I Academy, the college application process is viewed as a "match to be made," emphasizing the importance of finding a college that aligns with the student's educational aspirations, career goals, and personality. Each student is unique, and the process is tailored to ensure that they find the college that best suits their individual needs.